Author Insists She's Sick of the đź’©


Human Resources professional Tricia Sitemere has a simple message, with resounding effects: it’s okay to be sick of your current state in life and it is definitely okay to change it.

Sitemere’s debut hardcover book “I’m Sick of This Shit” is the perfect tool to usher you out of your stagnant space and into the life you’ve always dreamed of.

Perhaps you’re frustrated with your current position in life, or you just know that it’s time for a change. Sitemere has crafted a new guide to assist you in choosing your new direction.

“I was inspired to write the book because I was coming across so many unhappy and unfulfilled individuals in both their personal and professional settings,” says Sitemere. “I wanted to do something to help using my own personal journey and my professional HR background.

I’m Sick of This Shit walks you through the thought processes necessary for change. Complete with thought-provoking questions, recommendations and insight on how to craft your plan - I”m Sick of This Shit gets you started and teaches you how to keep moving once you start.

Over the weekend, Sitemere debuted both her book and her new company CTRL Alt Delete (CAD) at Plano’s XO Coffee Company. CAD is a custom fulfillment coaching system, carefully constructed by Sitemere to help you move toward who you’re supposed to be both personally and professionally. She offers structure to your creative thinking and in essence helps you move toward the position(s) you want in life.

Sitemere, via the inner-workings of CAD offers reboot workshops, one-on-one fulfillment coaching and consistent empowerment. She even has plans for a No Regrets Retreat in Jamaica later this year.

“Of course I’d love to sell a lot of copies of the book,” says the excited new author. “I’m not thinking from a monetary perspective, but more about the opportunity to help at least one person move the needle towards self actualization.”

Learn more about Sitemere at | Purchase “I’m Sick of This Shit” on Amazon


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