Designer Offers Beautiful M-E-S-S in a Bottle


Last November two masked gunmen walked into her store, demanding money that she didn't have. The assailants would hold her hostage for 20 minutes and then attempt to use her bankcards at a nearby ATM machine. She was hurt. She was humiliated. She was almost broken, but she would not be defeated.

Kalilah Wright once left a six-figure job to pursue her passions as an entrepreneur. It was during the Freddie Gray riots in Baltimore that her business was born. She wanted to push messages about sustaining and overcoming difficulty. Knowing, however, that she left the comforts of a corporate office, only to be robbed in her own community was a tough pill to swallow.

Wright is a designer and graduate architect practicing in Baltimore, Maryland. In her life, she has launched several small businesses, but the one that has stuck and is currently bringing her a ton of positive attention is her t-shirt company- Mess in a Bottle.

The t-shirt company allows you to say whatever it is you want to say, without ever having to say anything at all. In essence, her expressive brand allows customers to be both outspoken and vocal by wearing their own message.

The objective of Mess in a Bottle is to put thought-provoking and inspiring words on T-shirts. The shirts come packaged in a reusable bottle. Customers have the option to either pick one of the standard messages, or create their own custom message.


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