Inspired Mom Has Needle and Thread Dreams

Inspired Mom Has Needle and Thread Dreams


Only certain individuals on this earth can be perfectly content while sitting behind a sewing machine.  

These particular creatives can visualize unique creations and then make their visions come to life. Some of the best ideas may come in the middle of the night, forcing you to roll over and store them in your phone. Other thoughts pop up while pushing a cart in Target. Sometimes more than just the spirit gets to you in church – you jot that idea on a Kleenex and tuck it in your bible.

No matter the idea, the seamstress’ objective is to finish with a valued product. Now imagine such routines while being a full-time mother of four.

Just over five years ago Shandalyn “Shan” Choice envisioned herself having two children. Up until this May - Tristen Jr. (5) and Riley (3) were her super affectionate “two-piece.”  

Its been said that if you want to make God laugh, tell him about your plans.

Shan and Tristen Sr. were just fine. Life was busy, but still had a sense of calmness to it. Then came two bouncing baby girls – moments apart. TWINS.

In an excited surprise, life completely changed. Not even transitioning from a family of four, to an immediate family of six could deter a determined Choice from achieving her full potential.

“I’ve always been creative in a way, but I could never find my niche,” says Choice. “When I started having children, I decided to start sewing.”

Tristen Jr., Riley, Camryn and Chloe or “The Toliver Twins,” as they’re affectionately known on Instagram have completely changed the young couple’s life together. They also have inspired so many of their mom’s sewn creations.

“There were things I wanted them to wear that I just couldn’t find in the store,” says Choice.

Instead of settling for repeated designs in stores, Choice elected to create her own looks. With needle and thread, and more often on her sewing machine – she would crank away at tutus, skirts, blazers, headbands and more.

“My inspiration truly came from my children,” says Choice. “They constantly inspire me.”

Followers and supporters often inquire about her work, so much so that what she initially intended to be just creations for her children has turned into a successful business. In the next year, the 25- year old mother plans to work toward opening her own children’s store.

“Believe it or not I’m still figuring everything out when it comes to being a mommy,” Choice admits.

She’s still attending school, holding on to her aspirations of being a teacher and of course - sewing.

“I’m not as organized as I’d like to be, but I’m getting there,” she laughs. “Managing such a busy schedule and four very active children can be very difficult but with God on my side and my babies as my motivation - I can accomplish anything.”

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