The ‘My Pastor Said’ Mentality Destroys Many Good-Hearted Black Worshipers

There is another scandal involving a famed minister. Half of the Congregants in the Church of Public Opinion say condemn him, while the other half doesn’t believe he would hurt a fly, or in this case lay hands on a woman other than his wife.

Just like many of the wealthy men we root for during Football Sunday, many of whom have probably broken the vows of their marriage a time or two – the private affairs of popular and wealthy preachers don’t top my list of things to care about. What baffles me, however, is just how much the Bible-toting churchgoers who claim to believe in God – have the utmost devotion and faith to men in pulpits. The accusations include: extra-marital affairs, rape and manipulation. The supporters say: there is absolutely no way he could have done that.

It’s rare that I engage with black people about controversial religious happenings in the world. Of course I could defend myself to the death of any point that I make, but long ago I discovered that for so many black people – if pastor says it, it’s gospel.

Yesterday morning, I told a lady who stands in complete defense of the most recent minister accused of the aforementioned transgressions, “you probably believe that Eve ate an apple because you heard a preacher tell you that from a pulpit.”  Her response, “of course, pastor taught me that when I was a child.”

Like so many churchgoers, sometimes she opens the Bible and sometimes she doesn’t. Her pastor telling her that Eve ate an apple gave her enough conviction to dissuade her from opening that Bible and discovering that there is no such mention of an apple, but only “fruit.” A blunder so simple as this is why so many good-hearted black worshipers will continue to be manipulated and mislead by men in pulpits.

Obviously, as children many of us are taught what to believe. We study our parents and the adults in our lives to learn behaviors, practices and weekly religious norms or for some the lack thereof. We are products of our upbringing in that respect, until we become accountable and free thinkers. As adults, many black people of faith struggle to transition away from what they are taught. Others gravitate to what they find more appealing. The issue in it all is when the messenger becomes your end all, be all message.

When what the man adorned in the nice threads, with the thunderous voice and the poignant delivery of well-put together words is the people’s stopping point for all guidance and lessons to be learned – people become pawns in the business of church. People with good intentions and even better hearts become victims of manipulation tactics and tend to not realize this until years and countless contributions later.

Who doesn’t enjoy a good show?

We live in a society that likes to be entertained now moreso than ever. Think about piecing together your nicest outfit, getting into your freshly detailed car, strutting across the parking lot, finding a comfortable seat once you’re inside, enjoying the sights and sounds and then being entertained for two to three hours. Maybe the methodical order of the service inspires you to reach deep into that pocket or purse to add an additional twenty. Did I just describe a church service or the strip club? Are you putting your offering into the collection plate or sliding it in her thong? Are you giving your offering to the preacher or to the exotic dancer?

Perhaps that sermon on the purpose of giving was overlooked by the performance. The money going into a collection plate was supposed to be acknowledgement of how good God has been to you, right?

The truth is Pastor has told you to do and practice lots of things that he crafted in the corporation of his mind. You believed him and taught others the same practices. So when he tells you that he didn’t mean to have sexual relations with that woman – you will believe him and defend him to anyone who speaks ill of him.


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