Survivor Shares Direct Message with Black Women

Survivor Shares Direct Message with Black Women

Never in her wildest dreams did successful, adventurous and a full-of-life Rian Johnson think that her life would be interrupted by cancer. But it was - TWICE.

We discussed Rian in our previous post, as the 2018 Honoree for Party Like a Survivor, hosted by Robyn Person.

We dedicate this post to some very powerful words shared by Rian, during her address to event attendees.

“We need to be all of the things we're accused of being when it comes to our health,” she demanded to an audience of mostly black women. “We need to be rude, aggressive and loud.”

As uncomfortable a message as this may be for some in the medical profession and those on the outside looking in - it’s the absolute truth. At almost every turn, black women are reminded that we are more susceptible to certain diagnosis than other groups of women.

Don't let them dismiss us,” Rian proclaimed.

Rian initially thought that the lump in her armpit was an ingrown hair. Many women have thought the same of small lumps under their arms and on their breasts. Many women have also been told not to worry about these abnormalities and to go home assured that they are fine.

It is possible that members of the medical profession believe the old lament of slavery - that we're stronger and we can take more pain,” Rian shares.

We live in a world that is notorious for tolerating black suffering. We’d be naive to think that stops when it comes to medicine.

We have to advocate for ourselves. We must pay attention to our bodies. We have to speak up.

-Ari Christine

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Organization Celebrates Cancer Survivors

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